How To Pray For My Child's Teacher
My youngest girls several years ago on the first day of school. They attended a private school for a few years, and their teachers influence them to this day.
Backpacks stuffed. New clothes ironed. Supplies assembled. The start of a new school year holds equal amounts of anticipation and dread. Will it be a good year? Will my child thrive or struggle?
The pivotal factor for most students is their teacher. My mom was an elementary teacher. In fact, I come from a family of teachers. I know the time, energy, and heart that is poured into the students. It is a tough job with daily struggles. But, a teacher can have an extraordinary impact.
Teachers are a special breed. They daily walk into the mouth of the lion for low pay, high expectations, demanding parents, and reluctant students. If there was ever a group that required prayer, it was teachers!
Because of the impact educators have on your student, praying for him or her may be the most powerful thing you can do. Do you ever wonder though, what exactly to pray? Pulling from Scripture, I have a few suggestions. There is a form at the bottom where you can sign up to get a free PDF of these prayers to print out, fill in the blank with your teacher's name, and put on your fridge to help you remember to pray for this person who is profoundly affecting your child's life!
Prayers For Our Teacher
She/he would have a deep love for my child.
~Beloved, let us love one another; for love is from God. (I John 4:7, NASB)
Love helps us see the best in others, and motivates us to keep trying when discouraged. It gives energy in the face of waning hope and courage when trials abound. If love is from God, then it makes perfect sense to ask the God of love to fill the teacher to overflowing with this powerful force.
Example: Dear Lord, since love is from You, I ask You to fill ________________________with a deep love for the students and that she/he would be motivated by that love every day in the classroom.
She/he would have supernatural wisdom, discernment, and “largeness of heart.”
And God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore. (I Kings 4:29, NKJV)
I have never needed more wisdom than when I faced a classroom of students, some with eager eyes, but others with confused expressions, weary faces, or blank stares. How do you reach a group with so many different needs? Teachers need supernatural wisdom and discernment every day. And don't you just love the visual picture God paints when He gives Solomon a "largeness of heart"? May we all have big, fat hearts!
Example: Just as You granted Solomon amazing wisdom and understanding, please Lord, give the same to ________________________, as well as the largest heart imaginable!
She/he would teach and lead the classroom with a loving gentleness, patience, and tolerance.
"walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love. (Ephesians 4:1b-2, NASB)
Along with fear, most first year teachers come to the classroom with a healthy dose of idealism and optimism. Long years of struggle can take a shine off of those feeling for many veteran teachers. But we need those veterans, with their experience, to stay in the classroom. Let's pray for the emotional health teachers require for a good year.
Example: Lord, the calling to be a teacher is a difficult one so please empower ________________________ to lead the classroom with gentleness, patience, and tolerance, as well as an extra dose of love.
She/he would be strengthened with perseverance and encouragement.
"may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind…" (Romans 5:15, NASB)
Who needs perseverance and encouragement? Marathon runners. Mountain climbers. Swimmers of the English Channel. Triathletes. And teachers.
Teaching year after year requires supernatural strength in the face of uncertain outcomes. Since God is the giver of perseverance and encouragement, let us ask Him to shower those down on our teachers!
Example: Please Lord, give ________________________ perseverance and encouragement in this tough job of teaching a classroom of students with different needs and abilities.
She/he would have patience to keep trying even if the fruit of her/his labors are not evident yet.
"Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until the early and late rains. You too be patient; strengthen your hearts…" (James 5 7-8b, NASB)
To keep trying at a job you are unsure you are succeeding at is difficult for anyone. Teachers face that in spades. They have to keep going with curriculum that is rarely of their choice, in order to complete what is required, while trying to focus on the needs of the individual. The fruit of their labor is not always evident, so let's ask God to help them keep going no matter what.
Example: Lord, as the year drags on, and discouragement wants to set in, please grant ________________________ the strength and faith to wait patiently on the fruit that will come from her/his labors.
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There are innumerable prayers we can offer up for our teachers, but these are a good place to start. May God bless our teachers as they have such an impact on our kids. And blessings on you as you battle for your kids by praying for their teachers.
Coming soon: Prayers for the Homeschool Mom and Prayers for Students.
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