Our Lord is Savior who is good, loving, saving, merciful, and He saves, washes, renews, and pours His Spirit on us. How could we ever stop praising Him?
Read MoreGod's character includes grace and mercy. Patience. Lovingkindness. Love. But His character is also perfectly holy and He reigns!
Read MoreThe promise of the Spirit and WHAT God does through that in our lives changes everything! Let's thank Him for that gift.
Read MoreJesus is the incarnation of God and the best example of how very much we are loved. Why else would the eternal God of creation humble Himself, voluntarily live in the limitations of flesh, and then satisfy His own holy nature of justice by dying the death I deserved?
Read MoreGod wants to be our Father. This is not a relationship of groveling, trying to prove myself, hoping to figure out a mystery, or attempting to earn a position. Instead, this is a relationship of being.
Read MoreStarting the year with prayer! Join me and let's spend the next 31 days learning more of WHO the Lord is and WHAT He does ... and then let's THANK Him for that.
Read MoreHis cry did not just mean He was hungry. It announced to the world, “I feel your pain. I know your grief. I experience your struggles. I chose this because I love you.”
Read MoreI believe every Believer who can financially and physically manage to visit Israel should do so and here is why.
Read MoreI pray long and hard that the Spirit of the Living God would fall afresh on my children's heart and that they would walk in His power, not their own.
Read More“Constantly remembering you in my prayers night and day” sounds exhausting and intimidating. Yet, when I relate this to the constancy of motherhood it becomes clear how this works.
Read MoreI thought it would get easier. I thought I would worry less. But adult level decisions include adult level consequences. So, unfortunately as our kids grow up, the worry gets bigger, and stronger, and harder to control.
Read MoreI wrote this book because as a parent I struggled to work past the worry and find a place of confidence in what God was doing in my kids’ lives. Prayer changed everything!
Read MoreAs Christian believers, we are to live a life of prayer. It is our joy and honor to pray for others and is an important part of our Christian life.
Read MoreHere is a little common sense for how to handle the gas situation. May we all rush out for that as quickly as we do gasoline!
Read MoreWorrying is normal. The real issues confronting our kids cause our resolve to quake and our insides to melt. But we don't want to stay there. It isn't healthy for us or our relationships. What does Jesus want us to do with our worry?
Read MoreMinistry is never about me. It is only ever about Jesus.
Read MoreSlapping Jesus on top of your activity doesn't make it holy and doesn't make it correct. We can't fulfill what God states He hates and then wave a cross over it to make it acceptable.
Read MoreJessica Kastner's transparent honesty will hit a chord with moms everywhere, and you will laugh with both entertainment and relief as you think, You mean I am not the only one who feels that way?
Read MoreWhat would prayer that is preposterous look like? According to Scripture, if we have enough faith, we can pray for things our common sense tells us is silly. The "utterly foolish" can become the completely possible in the Lord’s hands.
Read MoreWhen I pray I want to be like Elijah. He prayed for rain and heard the sound of rushing rain in his ears of faith. The answer to his prayer was so assured he could hear it.
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