Susan K Macias

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You're Not Disqualified (Episode 3)

Episode 3

Do past sins, mistakes, or failures make you feel disqualified to serve God now? Well, according to scripture, nothing could be further from the truth.  Today we'll examine David's life to see how God uses us DESPITE our worst moments.


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Show Notes

  • To enter work in this second half of our lives we need to KNOW our past doesn’t disqualify us.

  • Looking at David’s life

    • David committs adultery. (2 Samuel 11:4-11:5, 17)

    • David failed to discipline his sons. (2 Samuel 13:14-29).

    • David's son Absalom leads a rebellion. (2 Samuel 16-17) (2 Samuel 18:14, 15).

    • David ignored Joab's advice and took a national census. (2 Samuel 24:2-15; 1 Chronicles 21:1-4 ).

  • What else David does

    • God gave David plans for the Temple; he added music to the daily liturgy and organized the service schedule for the Levites and priests
      (1 Chronicles 16:1-42)

    • He wrote many Psalms. Psalm 51 clearly describes repentance, because of its personal nature.

    • He enabled his son Solomon to build the temple. (1 Chronicles 28:11-19).

  • Lessons from David:

    • people who love the Lord greatly, still mess up colossally

    • after repentance comes the next assignment

    • faithfulness matters

    • mustn't grow lazy in pursuit of God

So here's the crystal clear answer: NO! We're not disqualified.

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